We offer a variety of small, personal weaving classes. If you see a class that you would like to take but it is not
scheduled or at a time that you can’t come please email Robin to schedule a class.
Fall 2022: I started to offer virtual classes in 2021, but it seems difficult to offer the kind of class I like to present.
The exception is our Wednesday Weavers—Zoom is great for that! And we throw in a few in-person activities as well.
Double Weave
Double Weave
Students will weave a sampler while exploring many variations of double weave. Learn to weave two layers at a time, weave vertical or horizontal tubes, or weave a piece that is twice as wide as your loom. Sample other decorative techniques and learn to create simple images. Need a portable loom to warp at home? You can rent one of mine if you allow enough time to take it home to warp. Loom rentals are $40 for two weeks. After you register for the class I’ll send warping instructions. You may purchase yarn from me or use what you have at on hand. Recommended yarn: 8/2, 5/2, or 3/2 cotton or various weights of wool yarn. Yarn should be untextured and solid color. You will use equal amounts of two colors.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 9:30-4:30.