Shearing Day 2025
Shearing Day Invitation for our fiber friends. Click on this listing for more info.
Shearing Day Invitation for our fiber friends. Click on this listing for more info.
We invite all our Fiber Friends to visit on this day. The idea for Hug a Sheep Day came about when thecrazysheeplady (whom I’ve never met in person, but maybe someday…) wanted to honor her sheep. Now there is a link to National Hug a Sheep Day. Keep in mind that this link is from a company that wants to sell something, but selling fun and wacky calendars is OK by me.
Bring a spinning wheel or other project. Bring a lunch. Hug a Sheep! That’s what this days about—sheep and friends. Plan to relax at the farm.
My granddaughter giving Jade a goodbye hug before going home to Texas in July.
This year there is another component to Hug a Sheep Day. I’m holding a sale. Most of the items were brought here by a friend who has left the fiber community and wants to sell her things. There is a 40” AVL Loom, a Lendrum wheel with all the extras, miscellaneous tools, and lots of yarn. I will probably find some of my things to add to the sale. So include shopping in your plans! It’s best to bring cash or a checkbook for that so it makes it easier for me to deal with the bookkeeping part.
What about rain? We can still hug sheep and spin in the barn and we can have the sale in the garage. Don’t let a little rain keep you home.