We offer a variety of small, personal weaving classes. If you see a class that you would like to take but it is not
scheduled or at a time that you can’t come please email Robin to schedule a class.
Fall 2022: I started to offer virtual classes in 2021, but it seems difficult to offer the kind of class I like to present.
The exception is our Wednesday Weavers—Zoom is great for that! And we throw in a few in-person activities as well.
Learn to Weave - Rigid Heddle Loom
Learn to Weave - Rigid Heddle Loom
Weave a neck warmer (a short scarf with a slit) or a table runner on a take-anywhere rigid heddle loom and learn the easiest warping method you'll ever use! You will learn how to plan a project, choose yarn, and calculate yardage. Rigid heddle looms are simple to warp, inexpensive, and very portable. This is a great project for the person who wants to learn about weaving as well as a fun one for experienced weavers. Your whole project can be easily completed in a day. Once you weave one piece you'll want to try more! You will also find that this is a great project to do on-the-go (Spinners' Day Out, for instance). This loom can even go camping with you!
Upcoming classes:
Sunday, April 13, 2025 9:30-3:30.
Contact me to schedule other sessions.