Miscellaneous Views at BSG

The last three blog posts have been about Black Sheep Gathering but, wait! There is more! Camping-tent

My tent.I have had this tent for 35 years and wasn't sure that the rainfly was waterproof. I don't think I'd want to be in a major storm, but it was adequate for the light rain the first night of camping.


I spent some time on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning watching the wool show.Martin judging

Martin Dally  is entertaining as well as knowledgable. He explained what he was doing throughout the show and even let the audience come up to see and feel the fleeces after he finished with a class.

Merino fleece

Colored Merino fleece.

Merino fleece-2

White Merino fleece.

Corriedale fleece

Corriedale fleece that won the overall best white fleece.

Then to the vendor hall where I took shots of color, texture, and other things that caught my eye.

Art yarn

Hooked rug


Mohair locks

Horn helmet

Reindeer pelt

These are reindeer hides.

There is also a Fiber Arts contest.IMG_2227

Moo-shoe pork

This one is called Moo-Shoe Pork. Look closely at the feet.


Back in the barn, this felted banner was made by Jackie, Farm Club member and friend who's business is Sheep to Shop.


I got a late start home on Sunday (the next post) but made my ritual stop at the Mt. Shasta overlook just before dark. I love that mountain...and I love California.

More About Shearing Day

I've written a couple of posts about shearing day already, but I have so many photos to share. As John worked through the main flock I brought in the sheep from other areas. The two ewes with two-week old lambs were shorn (last post) and then the three Jacob rams.IMG_8593This is the yearling ram, Rotor.IMG_8597 lilac and black ramsA good comparison of a lilac Jacob (Nash) and black & white (Rotor).Rotor fleeceThis is Rotor's fleece.IMG_8618They aren't all spotted. This is one of the BFL-Jacob cross ewes.DSC_5281Lots of people help to make Shearing Day fun and easy for me. Kathleen weighed fleeces.DSC_5273-StephanyStephany and Gynna wrangled sheep all morning.DSC_5341Alison and many others helped at the skirting table.DSC_5321People are welcome to skirt their fleeces before buying or ask for advice about fleeces.DSC_5364 DSC_5323It was a great day to stand in the sun with your hands in freshly shorn wool.IMG_8622One more ewe to be shorn and then it was Faulkner's turn.IMG_8631His buddy, Jerry looked on. Faulkner weighed in at 235 lbs (down about 30 pounds from what he sometimes weighs in the summer).DSC_5387 Jacob fleeceFresh Jacob fleece.Faulkner's fleeceFaulkner's fleece.DSC_5349While the shearing and wool sorting was going on, friends were helping buyers in the shop.Farm Club group photoLater we got everyone (almost) to the barn for a group photo. That's a lot of enthusiastic friends!