More About Shearing Day
/I've written a couple of posts about shearing day already, but I have so many photos to share. As John worked through the main flock I brought in the sheep from other areas. The two ewes with two-week old lambs were shorn (last post) and then the three Jacob rams.This is the yearling ram, Rotor.
A good comparison of a lilac Jacob (Nash) and black & white (Rotor).
This is Rotor's fleece.
They aren't all spotted. This is one of the BFL-Jacob cross ewes.
Lots of people help to make Shearing Day fun and easy for me. Kathleen weighed fleeces.
Stephany and Gynna wrangled sheep all morning.
Alison and many others helped at the skirting table.
People are welcome to skirt their fleeces before buying or ask for advice about fleeces.
It was a great day to stand in the sun with your hands in freshly shorn wool.
One more ewe to be shorn and then it was Faulkner's turn.
His buddy, Jerry looked on. Faulkner weighed in at 235 lbs (down about 30 pounds from what he sometimes weighs in the summer).
Fresh Jacob fleece.
Faulkner's fleece.
While the shearing and wool sorting was going on, friends were helping buyers in the shop.
Later we got everyone (almost) to the barn for a group photo. That's a lot of enthusiastic friends!