Sheep Portraits
/Every year I like to take new photos of the sheep in full fleece. We’ll be shearing in two weeks, so now is the time. It has been raining so much (blog post) that the sheep are all in the barn area to be out of the muck and the standing water in the pasture. What a contrast between these photos and the ones I took last January. If you look at this page of all the ewes you’ll see the difference between photos dated January 2022 and January 2023 (at least until I get more photos to update all of them). I am sure ready for shearing. Some of the ewes are looking very scraggly.
At 10 years old, Raquel is the second oldest sheep here. She is due to lamb March 11. She had triplets last year. This year’s ultrasound shows 2+. That means that the vets saw two, but didn’t rule out 3.
Honey also had triplets last year.
Anise was bred to the BFL, Peyton, and is one of 8 ewes with due dates of February 28!
Dilly is due the first week of March.
Quora will be three when she lambs in March.
Tamara is one of last year’s lambs. She is pregnant with a single and will lamb in the second half of March.