/The November show at the Artery will be the work of all of us fiber artists. I had plenty of warning about the show (many months) but, because I tend to work from deadline to deadline here is what I've been doing in the last couple of weeks.
This is a stunning purple chenille v-shawl that includes a sparkly yarn.
Chenille scarves to be displayed with the shawl. You can't tell from the photos but there are sparkles here too.
Advancing twill blanket in organic Merino wool.
Merino wool scarves that were woven using a "name draft" that I created for Katie's wedding.
The end of the warp that wasn't long enough for a full scarf.
I was just talking to my friend who said that this wasn't a bad accomplishment considering that I had deadlines for Handwoven magazine, my daughter's wedding and a concert in my barn all in the last month.