Sheep Portraits
/The sheep bed down around the barn at night and this morning took their time about moving to the pasture.Here are some sheep who posed for portraits (and, for those of you who care, some ancestry info).
5-year old Moon (bide a wee Yuri x Hillside Luna's Harvest)
Yearling, Sophia (Kenleigh's Matrix x Meridian Jazz)
Yearling, Cascade (Meridian Miller x Meridian Sierra)
Yearling, Mae (Meridian Miller x Meridian Mary). She must have been looking in the mirror when she wrote the number on her tag?
5-month old BFL cross who I am keeping. No name yet. (Faulkner x Dazzle)
5-month old lamb who may stay here. (Meridian Miller x Meridian Vicki)
5-month old lamb who I want to keep (Meridian Hendrix x Meridian Alison)
Someone is hiding behind the dallisgrass.
It's the wether, Jimmy...who I may just rename to Jake, because I tend to call all wethers Jake.
This is two year old Onyx, a BFL cross.
This is one of the newest members of the flock. (Meridian Miller x Meridian Donna.) Six lambs were born in July at the State Fair.
This is her brother.
This is a gorgeous lilac ram lamb (Meridian Alex x Meridian Phyllis), just what I've been waiting for....except those horns on his right are growing together and his horn set will be horribly asymmetrical. He won't be registrable.
Out to the pasture. "Mom!"
"MOM !!!"