Start of Breeding Season
/I'm behind on posts. The start of breeding season was October 3, the day after I got back from Texas. I have found that when I wait until October all the ewes are cycling and ready to breed. That tightens up lambing season in March.
Farm Club members came to help move sheep and we split them into four breeding groups and a non-breeding group of lambs.This is part of Peyton's group. He got 11 ewes.
Peyton is a BFL and these will be crossbred lambs.
Next was Buster. He was given 16 ewes.
All the rams had yellow markers.
It may be hard to tell here but Buster had his tongue out in all these photos.Clark is next. He is Buster's son from this year. It's hard to pick him out in this photos because the ewes are all bigger than he is.
Clark was given 11 ewes.
Last we have Cayenne with 10 ewes.
Last, there is the group of ewe lambs that I chose not to breed this year.
There were also two more ram lambs to keep away from the others and, at that time, still a few butcher lambs. This means a lot of juggling of fences and trying to keep free space in between these group.
Stay tuned.