Texas - All About the Grandkids
/Less than a week and a half from the end of our road trip to Washington I flew to Texas for a short visit with the grandkids. I had to fit that in before Lambtown and the start of breeding season.
I got there on Thursday. The flight was in time for Katie to meet me in Austin and then pick up Kirby at school (pre-K now) and take her to her dance class.I had to hide behind another window because Kirby kept looking through the door.
In the middle they changed from tap shoes to ballet shoes. The teachers helped each kid get the shoes on the right feet. They stuffed the bows in the toes of the shoes. Kirby didn't like that and twice she pulled the ends of the bows out and I saw her twisting them around each other in an attempt to tie them. Eventually the teacher tied them and left them out--I think she tied a double knot. I meant to try and teach Kirby to tie a bow while I was there but actually I think she is too young. Next time...unless she already knows by then.
On Friday Kirby went to school and Mom and Dad were at work. Kasen usually goes to day care but he stayed with me all day.
He is very self-reliant for a toddler and can entertain himself well.
I enjoy taking the kids outside for at least part of the time. The weather this day was very pleasant.
We walked to the end of the smaller road where it meets the main road. Kasen loves trucks and tractors and anything with wheels. So we started watching and listening for trucks.
I moved him to the bank on the road where we could watch both directions (By the way, look at all those flowers--it's been raining in Hill Country.) I'd hear a vehicle and ask if it was a truck or a car? "Car." We waved. Some of the trucker's blew their horns. This entertained Kasen for at last half an hour.
The road home.
Back home with a favorite book, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?".
Outside again.
Katie and Kurtis have set up a play area for the kids--easier to keep track of them at this age than having them running through the dry grass and having to watch out for snakes and fire ants and scorpions.
They love the trampoline and I love the trampoline because the kids are contained. (I thought I had better photos but now that I see these iphone photos on my computer I realize that none are sharp.)
The sandbox (built by Papa Dan) is also a big attraction.
Back inside with puzzles.
You can hear when someone comes in the driveway. "Mama" or "Dada"!
Time to go see who it is.
It was Mama with Kirby. Time for the trampoline (champerline according to Kirby) before dinner.
Kirby orchestrates the play time. "I'll be the princess and Kasen is the prince and you be the dragon (or alligator or monster) and you try to get me." Or "You be the alligator and you are sleeping and I'll be the princess and I'm going to get you."
All I really wanted to do was to lie on the trampoline and look up at this amazing oak tree.
Sunset view.
I found this creature on the wall of the mud room. That's one thing I don't have to worry about here.
Friday night was movie night. Ice cream and popcorn and getting to sleep in the living room. Kirby chose a Starwars movie but really only wants to see "the princess" and Darth Vader.
Pumpkin Day. We went to a local nursery to find pumpkins.
After pumpkin selection we went to the chicken yard to select a couple of new chickens to replace some that had been killed.
Does someone have an attitude? The look on Kirby's face reminds me of one of me at that age when I was looking at my little brother.
This was a short trip. I hope to see these kids again in January.