Getting Ready for AGM - Part 2
/The day after the tent was set up (photos in this post) Farm Club members returned for more work.
Tables were set up and arranged.
Trish borrowed sheep panels and we combined those with some I had to make pens.
The barn was ready for Project Runway.
On Monday I had made a final decision about which ram lambs to keep. I wanted to separate those from the lambs that were for sale. FC member Doris was here then and as we were leading them to the big ram pen I diverted them to the barn. I figured that I should use the 4 days before AGM to get them halter broken. If I turned them out in the ram pen without doing at least a little of that then I may never get to it.
So in between doing the other work we had been working with these rams. On Thursday we put them in with the big rams. There was a bit of drama while the big rams chased them around, but eventually they all settled down. Mary and Dona stuffed the goodie bags that were to be given to the registrants. FC member, Kathleen wove 30 bags using Jacob wool and we had gathered locally produced items to put in them.
The special items included cooling neckties made by Mary using sheep-themed fabric. I can attest to how good these feel when it's 100 degrees out.
After another day of work we were ready for Friday when we'd be putting up displays and raffle items and greeting the registrants.