Getting Ready for AGM
/I just looked back to see where I left off in my blog. Wow! July 16 when we were shearing the Pope Valley Sheep. So much has happened since then but I've been way too busy to sort photos and share them. State Fair was a big one and there are sheep stories to write, but now that the major deadlines have come and gone I'll be working backwards in these events. Getting ready for JSBA AGM. (What's AGM? Jacob Sheep Breeders Annual General Meeting, which, about a year ago, I offered to host.) The preparation really started long ago. Farm Club and a few others were on the committee and we met monthly. Around here we started thinking about everything we could do to spruce up the place. Painting the barn led to fixing the barn, etc. But those are photos for another post.
AGM was Friday through Sunday, August 3-5. On Wednesday the 30 x 40 foot tent was delivered.
While the tent guys were working a flurry of other activity was going on.
Mary and Russ organized Project Runway, Jacob Style, our Friday evening entertainment, to be held in the barn.
There was strategy involved in figuring out how to arrange lighting behind the drape for the desired effect.
Lights were hung.
The extra porta-potty arrived.
Dan scraped behind the barn to create more space for parking.
Then he mowed the most recently grazed pasture. Note hat that matches tractor. That was a belated Father's Day gift from Chris. It includes the MJ logo on top.
He also trimmed branches in the front so people could see our sign.
Here is the tent all set up. Note to self--when measuring for a tent remember to look up and not just measure the ground.