Knit Like a Viking with Siobhan Harlakenden

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Knit Like a Viking with Siobhan Harlakenden


Learn the ancient craft of Nalbinding! While it is not actually knitting and in fact predates it by thousands of years, it creates a cloth that is very similar to the untrained eye. This technique uses a single needle and strands of yarn which create and connect loops to form an elastic fabric that does not unravel. While Nalbinding is cross-cultural (historic examples have been found all over the world) in this class we will focus on the Viking Age Oslo stitch. We will work on understanding how to make a chain with this stitch and connect it to start working in the round. All known Viking Age nalbinding is created in the round and without patterns so getting these basics down is all that is really necessary to start creating items. Participants who catch on quickly will have the opportunity to get started on making fingerless hand warmers. We will also discuss some history and other items that can be made with Nalbinding. 

This can be a wonderful way for weavers to use up warp waste due to the use of strands of yarn rather than a continuous string. It can also be a great alternative for folks who have struggled with hand and wrist pain when using knitting needles or dislike the rigidity of following patterns.

The class fee includes your own needle and your colour choice of a ball of Ashford DK yarn from the shop.

The included needle is a commercially made bone needle however hand carved wooden needles (with or without runic inscription) similar to the one pictured can be made available upon request and for an extra fee. Please contact Siobhan at to arrange this.

UhOh! I goofed! My newsletter is wrong. Weave Like a Viking is scheduled for March 27.
Knit Like a Viking is Friday, March 28, 10-1.

$110 includes needle and yarn.

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Teacher: Siobhan Harlakenden is enthusiastic about all things wool. She is a delightful teacher and brings her interest in historical textile construction to her classes, the latest of which was Medieval Distaff and Spindle Spinning and Weave Like a Viking at Lambtown.