Mother's Day Was Last Week

It’s Sunday today and last Sunday was Mother’s Day. For years I spent Mother’s Day at hte Dixon May Fair watching kids show animlas or working with my own display, a 6000 square foot tent and an exhibit called Shear Delight.

I’ve been going through old photo albums and scanning selected photos. I’m not going to scan every photo but I’m trying to choose the ones that tell our family story.

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This is Matt showing dairy cattle at the Dixon May Fair in 1993.

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Chris and Katie kept themselves occupied in those years until they were old enough to show their own animals.

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This was on the Oregon coast, also in 1993. They are what makes Mother’s Day a special day for me.

We also showed dairy cattle at the State Fair. I continue that with sheep now, but unfortunately State Fair has been cancelled for this year.

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Chris keeping himself occupied while we were paying attention to cows.


So I’m not dealing with the May Fair anymore—what happens on Mother’s Day? The three kids are scattered right now and there is a stay-at-home order across our state. My DIL lives next door so she made a very cute and very tasty sheep cake! I got calls from all three kids. Two days later a surprise came in the mail.


I had been talking to Matt about the blog that I’ve been writing since 2008. I look at my blog as my scrapbook—it is the incentive to organize and edit my photos and I tell a bit of the story that goes along with the important things in my life. I used to have it on Wordpress and when I started the new website I switched the blog to Squarespace. I was wondering what would happen if I gave up the website or if Wordpress and/or Squarespace just didn’t exist anymore. After all I may not keep doing the website forever. Would I be able to go back and review my “scrapbooks” or would they be gone? Matt found a way to preserve my digital scrapbook—it’s this real book.

I was amazed. That’s the first 2-1/2 years in this book. There are lots of memories there—family stuff and sheep and business. And those are the primary factors in my life.

Happy Mother’s Day to me and thanks to all my kids for making me a mom.

Addendum—later on Sunday—look what my DIL brought over today from Chris.


Its a Lego greeting card!


It even opens up and has very meaninful sentiment inside.


The back.