Catching up with September's Road Trip - Day 6
/If you’ve been following along with this belated description of last year’s road trip this was the previous post.
Thi is what the campsite looked like in the morning. Dan is sitting with his coffee. We didn’t hang around long because we were heading to Boulder so that I could go to the Schacht 50th Anniversary Dealers’ Weekend and we were going to try and find a place that would look at and fix the truck, thinking that there might be a serious problem with it.
We checked in a Schacht and were able to find a transmission place not far down the road. (End result of that is that yes, the truck probably needs transmission work but it couldn’t be done that weekend and you may be able to drive it for quite awhile before anything really bad happens.)
The weekend was set up so that Friday was open to the public and Saturday and Sunday there were workshops for dealers only.
So there were a lot of hands-on activities set up to get people interested in spinning and weaving and to demonstrate the Schacht equipment.
It’s hard to tell the scale of this but it was large—maybe 4 feet across.
I thought this was a great idea. Some of these are things we could do here at open house events.
Each loom that Schacht makes was on display.
Well-known weavers, Liz Gibson and Suzy Lyles starred in a good natured competition to see who could warp and weave a scarf the fastest using the same pattern and materialas, but Liz used a rigid heddle loom and Suzy used a floor loom.
They were neck and neck most of the way through the whole process. I am sorry to say that I don’t remember but I think that the floor loom eventually won but not by much time—Oh, now I remember that the warp on the floor loom was shorter or at least the finished piece was shorter. So maybe it was a tie after all.
There were also vendors, including Schacht themselves. These are the popular 11” boat shuttles in the anniversary colors. I still have some of these for sale listed here.
The Selfie Station.
Dan was a good sport about this.
Schacht employees can have garden space here…
…and some are raising chickens on site.
Dan was glad that he was here for the day because we had a personalized tour of the Schacht shop. I’ll share those photos in the next post.