The Flock
/Every year I put together a Flock List for the Farm Club members. This includes photos and a little information about each sheep (and dog and other characters) on the farm. I like to get current photos of each sheep and I'll share a few here. Shearing Day is in just a month so they are in almost full fleece. I'll have to get before and after shots of them as well.
Two almost 2-year-olds, Honey and Zinnia.
Marilla, a 2016 lamb, and her mother, Marilyn.
This photo was taking during the summer of two of the sheep I bought from flocks in Oregon. That is Kenleigh's Sheena on the left and Shadow Mountain Shelby on the right. I found this photo while I was looking for another. It is a good example showing a lilac ewe (right) and a black and white ewe.
Most sheep eyes.
Some of the lilac sheep have striking blue eyes