As you must know when there are almost 80 lambs born in the spring I can't keep them all. How many sheep would I have in 5 years? Who can do the math? My sheep capacity is about 55-65 adults. That includes a few wethers, more rams than I probably need, and the ewe lambs that I choose to keep. Someone has to go and a handful get to stay.
I just sent registration applications in for the lambs who are staying here. I was going to share their photos and then I thought that it would be fun to see their baby photos as well. For those of you who pay attention to who the sheep are I have included the (sire x dam).
This one is Sylvia and the photo below was taken last week. (Rotor x Sonata)
Here is Marilla (named in a contest for her mother, Marilyn, and because she was our Spinzilla ravatar) in March and below in September. This is a good pair of photos that show that even when a sheep is black and white, the wool may look brown due to sun bleaching. The markings on the face and legs will indicate the true color, at least in Jacob sheep.
This is Marilla's brother, Marv. He is one of only two ram lambs that I kept this year. He was champion Jacob ram at Black Sheep Gathering and his dad, Rotor, was Supreme Champion at the CA State Fair. The photo below shows the difference in rate of horn growth between ewes (Marilla) and rams (Marv). (Rotor x Marilyn)
This is Stacy as a newborn lamb and below at 7 months. (Crosby x Estelle)
More newborn photos. This is Jean with twins. I kept both of these lambs. The ewe lamb, trying to stand, is Cindy, below. The lamb nursing is the ram, Joker, in the photo below Cindy. (Nash x Jean)

Joker has a group of ewes and is wearing a marking harness with a red marker.
This is Vanessa with her lambs. Vanna , on the right, was 5.2 pounds when she was born, but you wouldn't know that now. (Rotor x Vanessa)

Vixen is the only lilac lamb I kept. Her markings are a brown/gray instead of black. That shows up better in the photo above than below. (Nash x Foxglove)

This lamb is Virginia (Rotor x Ventura).

This is bide a wee Trista, the one lamb that I purchased, so I didn't take a baby photo. But I just looked and, yes there is one on the bide a wee farm website. Here is Trista as a little lamb.

Vixen, Virginia, Cindy, Vanna.