Lambing in Plain Sight
/Yesterday morning I saw these two.
That is Marilla, born 2/25/16 (and named in a Spinzilla contest) and her dam, Marilyn. I didn't know it at the time but shortly after taking this photo I realized Marilla was in labor.
She was moved to her private maternity quarters...
...and produced a good-size BFL-x lamb. I bred her for crossbred lambs because she is very freckled and I don't want to perpetuate that in the flock. Marilla has a beautiful fleece however.
At about that same time in the morning I noticed Sonata standing back with the tell-tale sunken sides between the ribs and the hips. Before I went to the house I put her in the barn.
Spinners were here for the day and we kept trooping out to the barn to watch for lambs.
Sonata lambed with the first one with no spectators but there were plenty for the second one.
My flock is used to people being around and Sonata didn't care about the observers.
The second lamb born.