Seen on the Farm

This one isn't actually on OUR farm. I love this sunflower crop that is Across the Road. Sunflower

I took the rest of these photos here.

Monarch caterpillar

Monarch caterpillar on narrow-leaf milkweed.


Alfalfa butterfly. The caterpillars are considered pests in fields of alfalfa. They also consume other legumes (like clover and trefoil in my pasture).


I still don't know what this one is. Previously I tentatively identified one in a better photo as a forage looper moth. Maybe? Do you know how hard it is to chase a butterfly/moth that doesn't want to be photographed?CA Red dragonfly

California Red Dragonfly. While we're looking at insects here are nasty ones that supposedly the dragonflies eat.


We were doing pretty well keeping the pasture mosquitoes at bay.  I guess it was the last irrigation followed by a heat wave that brought them on to this degree. This morning in the pasture I was covered head to foot--overalls and a hooded sweatshirt with the hood tied around my face. I could still hear them buzzing.

paper wasp-2

While on the subject of nasty buzzing things in the barn last year's paper wasp nests are active again. I guess I need to find the wasp spray.

Black widow

Same subject. Different pest. This is another black widow on the hay. You have to be careful pulling bales of hay away from the wall or off the floor.

brewers blackbird nest

Also in the barn but no stings or bites (except maybe when the parents dive-bomb the dogs). This is another nest of Brewer's blackbirds. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago...

Brewer's blackbird nest

...and this one a little later. These birds have left the nest now.


Sheep going to pasture in the morning.


These are some of the new sheep. That's Bronagh who seems to take the lead. They are out with the rest of the flock now and are as anxious to come to the fence for grain when I rattle the bucket as the other sheep.

Across the Road Again

Now that it is not raining anymore I can walk Across the Road with the dogs again. It's actually been a few weeks and there have been a few walks but I'm behind on blog posts and organizing my thoughts.IMG_0527This was taken on the first walk a few weeks ago. The dogs are on the leash until we get off of Meridian Road.IMG_0549The field was bedded up and planted about two weeks ago.sunflowers sproutingCan you see the sprouts when you look at one of the lines almost right in the middle of the photo? Those are sunflowers.IMG_0892The most exciting thing for the dogs is that the canals were filled about a week ago.IMG_0887On the last walk I noticed that Rusty spent more time than usual in the water. He usually just goes in when he's hot and gets out again, but this time he spent time cruising (the best way to describe his half walking/half swimming) up the canal. I think his hips are bothering him so much that it felt better to move that way.IMG_0893He also needs help getting out now. Last year I helped Ginny out. This year it will be Rusty. IMG_0677Wet dog.IMG_0681The alfalfa has been cut and baled once already and is now being irrigated.IMG_0886 sunflowersHere is another week's growth of the sunflowers.IMG_0658The best surprise for Ginny I think is that she got to chase the Toy into the water again. Rusty will have more of these photos on his blog.