Another Season
/I talk repeatedly about seasons. Lambing Season. Breeding Season. Spring, etc. There is another. Baby Bird Season just ended.This is one of several Brewer's Blackbirds' nests in the barn. This one is on a convenient shelf just over my lambing calendar. I've read that Brewer's blackbirds eat seeds, grains, and insects.
However, our blackbirds do quite well on the mulberry tree that overhangs the ram pen and is loaded with mulberries right now.
This bird hatched on April 30. Anytime we walk in the barn, the parents harass us relentlessly.
This photo was taken two days later on May 2.
May 6.
May 8. They grow quickly.
This is May 9. The first baby is 9 days old.
May 12. Out of the nest. There is a day or two when I find babies out of the nest. The parents are frantic. Maggie needs to be restrained because she is truly a varmint dog. She things that anything small and alive is fair game for her.
Now the birds are out of the barn. I don't know if there will be a second crop. Last year I felt as though Baby Bird Season lasted a lot longer.