Meeting the Flock
/There were unplanned lambs born January 23. I have kept those three lambs with their dams separate from the rest of the flock while it was raining and the sheep were in the barn area. Last week as it was drying out I put the flock on the pasture and then turned the new lambs out with them.
One thing I watch for when putting lambs in the pasture for the first time is that they don't get tangled up in the electric fence.
I'm glad to see when they touch the fence because I know that they will have learned to avoid it.
This looks worse than it was. The whole incident was very brief and then...
...the nearby lamb was off and running.
Bertha, one of the yearlings thought this looked like a good game... she kept up the chase.
Eventually this lamb found his mom who hadn't been particularly concerned about him.
In the meantime the other two lambs stuck near their mom. I'm going to use colored tags again this year to give me more information about the lambs at a glance, mostly about sires. However, these first three have an unknown sire and the ram lambs (gorgeous as they are) have been banded. That's what the red tags mean--wether.