Black Sheep Gathering
/Black Sheep Gathering in Oregon is an annual event but I usually get there every other year. When I go I take sheep. Estelle ready for her first road trip.
When we get there everyone is ready to get out of the truck. Farm Club members and other friends also drove to BSG. They were always ready to help with the sheep.
After the truck ride the sheep need some touching up. They don't get a full bath but we scrub the feet and legs.
The Jacob sheep show was Friday morning. It was a relatively small show this year with three farms represented.Nevertheless, I was pleased to win Champion Jacob ram with my ram lamb, Meridian Nash and...
...Reserve Champion Jacob ewe with my yearling ewe, Meridian Jean.
Black Sheep Gathering is a great place to see a variety of breeds of sheep.My friends tried to talk me into bringing one of these BFL lambs home.
I don't think that this yearling ram would have even fit in my truck.
There are great shopping opportunities in the vendor hall and in the barn. Dona shared her fabulous photos of wares for sale at BSG and the Eugene Farmers' Market in the Meridian Jacobs Ravelry group here. I saw these in the vendor area:
By the way, I'm planning my second annual estate sale for sometime in August!
Seen in the parking lot.
Seen near the Farm Club chairs and spinning wheels. Dona and Mary said that they put on their 8th grade sleep-over hats for this shopping trip.
For us Black Sheep Gathering isn't just about the sheep and the shopping and the food. It's also about spending time with friends.
More photos in the next post.