March Miscellany
/I am fairly organized with my photos when I transfer them from my camera to the computer. But the "photo stream" from the iPhone is another matter. They all show up in a file labeled March. I take a lot of these intending to write blog posts that never make it through the fingertips to the keyboard. So this is a jumble of these photos that might have become blog posts if I didn't have to allocate at least a few hours for sleeping. I'll probably need to break this into two posts.The Lambing Board at the beginning of the month.
First day on the pasture and looking for mom.
The Little Chicken, who has lived here forever, was not too crazy about...
...the New Chickens that a friend gave me.
Finally, fresh eggs again.
This is an example of clasped weft in a rigid heddle weaving class...
...and this is weaving students taking a lamb break in the barn.
And speaking of holding lambs, I love this photo. These are three Farm club members (and friends) who have spent many hours helping me here, not only during lambing but at other times also.
Weaving. I've spent a little time at the loom, although I still have projects
looming hanging over my head and that is getting very frustrating. These are wool blankets woven using one of my favorite patterns, but usually done in one color.Marilyn with the first lamb of twins.
About a week ago I went to my uncle's memorial service. His ashes were placed in a family plot with his wife's and next to those of his two sisters (one of whom was my mom). The end of that generation in our family.
Life moves on. This is Spring who looks as though she should have sprung days ago.