Maggie the Babysitter
/All three dogs come to the barn when I do chores.So that I can keep track of her Ginny is on a chain while I'm cleaning the barn and putting out hay.
After chores it is play time.
Maggie has only rarely shown an inclination to play and maybe that's because Rusty doesn't either. Once in awhile she will show the "play-bow" move and run off in what I think of as the cartoon-dog run. Ginny, of course, is desperate to play with anyone who shows the least interest. I have figured out that I can bribe Maggie into playing with Ginny--at least for awhile. When she responds to Ginny's play attempts I have given Maggie a treat and said "play with the puppy". It seems to be working because I can prolong playtime that way. The longer the better to wear out that puppy.
That doesn't look like play, but it is.
Rusty just watches, wanting nothing to do with them.
Maggie coming back to me for another treat before she goes another round with Ginny.