Foxy's Fall Century
/There aren't many photos here and it doesn't relate to sheep or weaving, but for me this is a blog-worthy event. I used to ride a bike a lot. I rode regularly enough that I could ride in the Davis Double Century (200 miles in a day), finish before dark, and feel good the next day. I rode that ride a few times on my single bike and another three or four on the tandem with my husband. But that was a long time ago. After two back surgeries I decided that the bent over position wasn't the best for me (although the back problems did not relate to cycling--probably more to running) and I was raising kids and working in our dairy, so I gave up the long distance stuff. The first of those surgeries was 20 years ago and I haven't seriously ridden a bike since, although I ride a mountain bike short distances and my poor old road bike has been relegated to the inside trainer.
Dan continues to ride and in the spirit of togetherness I decided to do one of our regular (from the old days) century rides that is in October. I planned to train all year. Didn't happen. I rode the trainer a few times in September and then had dental surgery which set me back. Fortunately we had signed up for the 100 km and not the 100 miles and fortunately we were using the tandem. I didn't get a free ride, but it wasn't as hard as if I had been on my single bike.Our bike needed new tires and tubes, new pedals and one seat (because parts had been used for other bikes) and a major clean-up.
Here's the route. Surprise! In the past the 100 mile went into the hills but the 100 km stayed in the flats (more boring, but easier, unless there was a north wind). This year the 100 km had some climbing too as shown at the bottom right of the map.
Eating cookies at the first rest stop. We never used to stop at the first one, but in this case decided that we would take a break. Besides we paid for this ride so we should eat something.
Notice the gray clouds. When is the last time it rained in California? We sure need the rain so I won't complain. We didn't get too much on the ride and most of our cycling in the rain was in the last third of the ride.
Leaving the lunch stop. We really weren't hungry so ate a few grapes and kept going.
There were a couple of professional photographers along the route and photos could be downloaded for free. If we're going to do more of this we might need to get matching gear. I was wearing red and white on top but needed the blue vest because of the weather. And the shoes don't match but I'm still using the cycling shoes that were my father-in-law's hand-me-downs. They work if I wear thick enough socks.
That's not a tan. That's road grime.
The ride took us about 4 hours including the stops so we were home by 1:00. Chocolate milk was waiting. It was a good ride and maybe I'll do this again. It would be easy if I could just do a ride every now and then and not have to train in between.