Across the Road in 2015

I thought I did a post like this for 2014, but I didn't. You have to go back to this post to see what it was like Across the Road in 2013. My plan is to make a photo record of the changes that I see from standing at our mailbox. To do that correctly I'd need to do it on the same day each week (or month), with the same camera, using the same lens, and at the same time of day. FAIL. Here is what I have (and it's probably more interesting this way).DSC_1949January 22, 2015. DSC_2242February 5.DSC_2247February. Almonds are blooming. DCIM100GOPRO

In this photo our pasture has started to green up because I irrigated in mid-March. Normally the irrigation district doesn't provide water until April or May but due to the drought we have been getting water earlier. In 2014 we irrigated in January. The green in the background of the aerial photo is hay or  wheat or barley fields. DSC_5211April 26, 2015. The field has been bedded, ready for tomatoes.DSC_5459May 3, 2015IMG_4493June 9, 2015DSC_7884July 22, 2015DSC_8855August 9, 2015across the roadAugust 30, 2015cattle egretThis is a photo taken across the road, from Across the Road. (That is my pasture looking west.)DSC_0072The alfalfa field that is the green triangle in the upper right in the aerial photo.DSC_0089Beans that were planted after the wheat harvest in the are shown in the triangle that is the upper center of the aerial photo.DSC_0413September 5, 2015.DSC_0546September 9, 2015. It took 4 days, working 24 hours/day to finish harvesting this field.IMG_6564September 23, 2015. Back to the beans. The dry plants have been put into windrows waiting for harvest.waiting for lunar eclipseSeptember 27, 2015.DSC_1475October 6, 2015. Field disked and bedded waiting for the next planting. I'm told that it will be planted to sunflowers this spring.DSC_2793November 29, 2015. If we have regular rain I can't walk across here because it gets too muddy. There have been very few days that we haven't been able to walk. DSC_2913December 1, 2015. View of our place, looking west across the field. We need to see more green on those hills.

Across the Road Again

No big story here. I'm just sharing photos from this evening's walk with the dogs. DSC_9959First Ginny had to find her toy. She knows which toy we take on walks (the one that floats). While I stayed near the gate she ran through the bushes, around the garage and found it at the barn.

cattle egret The sheep are in the pasture closest to the road right now.

DSC_9981It's dry and dusty now.DSC_0032


MaggieMaggie coming when I call.great egretEgrets in the alfalfa field.DSC_9999

DSC_0057 DSC_0066 Ginny now expects me to help her out of the canal at the steep areas.

DSC_0089 A field of green beans.
