Spinzilla Week
/Spinzilla, A Monster of a Spinning Week is, according to the website: "a global event where teams and individuals compete in a friendly challenge to see who can spin the most yarn in a week!" The real goal is as a fundraiser for the NeedleArts Mentoring Program sponsored by TNNA. This year 1754 spinners participated and Meridian Jacobs hosted a team. Timing was tough for some of us because the week of spinning was right in between two other fiber events (blogged about here and here) and I was recovering from dental surgery.Members of Team Meridian Jacobs are a dedicated bunch and many showed up for the spinning days we had here on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday as well as in Davis on Wednesday and Chico on Saturday. Six of the 25 members are from out of state and one spinner from Illinois even made it to California for a Spinzilla day. And of course there was a lot of spinning into the wee hours at home by all the members. Results will be posted tomorrow and we'll know how we stacked up.
Here are some photos.
It's hard to spin outside here without dogs
in the way being involved. There will be more photos of Ginny in Rusty's next blog post.
A fun part of Spinzilla is the photo contest. One of our members suggested that we stage a photo where we are running, wheels and all, from the giant Sheepzilla.
This is Dona's photo that Alison used to create this:
Here is another entry...
...showing how dedicated Team Meridian Jacobs members are. By the way anyone on Ravelry can vote for these photos before October 22 by clicking "love" on those photo entries here and here as well as other photos by our team members and other teams. Some are quite clever so take a look.
Each of our members submitted their yardage and a photo of their yarns. Here are a few.
This is the yarn that I spun...Jacob, of course.