Meanwhile Back at the Ranch...
/I am grateful to my friends and family who are taking care of animals and the farm while I am gone. While driving through New Mexico on Tuesday I got a call and a text with this photo.That's a yearling ram, Foley, with his horns stuck in the 2-year old ram's upper horn.
My two friends had been trying to separate them but couldn't do it and called for advice. Not only did the rams continue to push against each other but the curved horn was holding the straight horns too tight. What to do? I gave the OK to cut the horn and told them where the wire saw was. But that's not an easy task. We finally thought of one more person to call--my future daughter-in-law's brother who lives in the area. Fortunately he was home, came over, and cut Ringo's horn.
That did the trick. Foley was fine but Ringo was a bit worn out--maybe from the angle of his head and neck for the whole time that they were stuck together and the fact that they had been struggling out in the hot sun. (He's fine now.)
Lyle took the horn home as a souvenir.
Once again, thanks to everyone who is helping while I'm gone.