Sheep in the Sun
/During the winter the sheep are mostly in the barn and corral area. The pasture doesn't drain well and I don't want it to be a trampled mess. I'm also waiting for there to be more growth there. It's been dry enough the last few weeks that I opened the gate to the small paddocks near the barn. The sheep were thrilled to get out to that grass.
This is Summer (the sheep, not the season).
This is Spring (also, not the season).
Here is Eliza. They are all looking a little heavy, but that is because they are due to lamb in about a month.
Stephanie, the old goat, is so stiff in the cold weather we've been having. I walked her out here to enjoy the grass. Most of the sheep kept their heads down eating. But Kyra just wanted to play.
Happy sheep!
I still have the new lens on the camera. It is a 40 mm lens and I wasn't that close to the action. I'm surprised that I was able to crop the photos to this degree and still have them relatively sharp.