National Heirloom Exposition
/I forgot that Sonoma County could be drizzly and cool, even when northern Solano County is sweltering. I spent 3 1/2 days as a vendor at the Heirloom Festival in Santa Rosa. It was nice to be out of the heat, but I would have welcomed a little sun on Days 1 & 2. I brought sheep as well as the booth, so I used 2 canopies as well as the sheep pen area. Since we were outside we could spread out as much as we wanted to. Just beyond my booth was an area where other fiber vendors/artists, representing Fibershed, were stationed.
Jackie demonstrated the peg loom and Colleen demonstrated needlefelting.
Mary and Chris, the "zoomers", wove on the Zoom Loom, as well as demonstrating other fibery skills throughout the show.
There was a lot to see at the Heirloom Expo and I took advantage of the hours in the morning before the gates opened to the public to look around.
My sheep spent the night in the barn and were in the pen at the booth only during the hours of the show.
There were a lot of bee and honey displays.
Vertical gardens.
A great use of old doors. Notice the screen to the right as well.
Are Dona and Jackie solving the problems of the world? Or just satisfying their caffeine addictions?