Black Sheep Gathering - Road Trip with Friends & Sheep
/Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, Oregon is a favorite event for my friends and me. We gathered here on Thursday morning, loaded sheep, and were on the road only a little behind schedule. We made it to Eugene in about 8 1/2 hours, settled the sheep into their pens, and found our motel. Some years I camp, but this year a motel sounded good.
Friday was show day for the Jacob sheep.
I showed ram lambs, ewe lambs, and yearling ewes. My ewe lambs took first and third place in the ewe lamb class.
My yearling ewe, Fandango, took first place in her class and was awarded Champion Jacob Ewe.
Besides showing sheep, what else is there to do at BSG? Admire several hundred sheep in the barn. This is a Bluefaced Leicester from the farm where I got my ram, Faulkner.
Admire wool.
Watch the wool show judging. These are the fleeces to be judged. After two days of judging the fleeces are for sale and dozens of spinners line up to be first in the door.
Shop! My friends are very good at that!
Watch sheep dog demos by my friend, Shannon and her amazing dog, Kate.
Take classes. Mary and Dona made these scarves in a nuno felting class.
Relax with friends.
Farm Club member, Tina, who moved to Portland last year, came to visit along with 10-week old puppy, Ragu.
It has become tradition now to eat dinner at La Oficina.
On Saturday afternoon all the breed champions are shown together and the judge chooses one to be Supreme Champion. Look at all those different sheep!
It was a fun four days, but it's always good to get back to California. That's Mt. Shasta in the distance.