Fondling Fleeces
/On Shearing Day I sold over 20 fleeces but I was so busy that I didn't get a change to really look at them. Today some Farm Club members came to help skirt and sort fleeces.
Most of the fleeces that are left will be sorted into white, black, and gray. That's what those barrels in the background are for. However, I'm keeping my eyes open for a couple of fleeces for some special projects that I have in mind. The wool on the table is Donna's fleece.
This is what Donna's fleece looks like from the cut side. Isn't that a beautiful shade of gray?
Here is a sample of Ventura's fleece. This is another that I may spin myself.
Here are some more pretty fleeces.
Ginseng is a lilac lamb. Notice the change in color in the length of the staple--lightest color near the skin. It will be interesting to see what this fleece is like next year.
This is Ginseng and her spots don't appear light.
Onyx's fleece. I'm keeping this one also.