Golden Day

I drove to Ione in the foothills today to see my uncle. On the way home I took a meandering route and stopped a couple of times to enjoy the green hills and spectacular wildflowers. With the 80+ degree temperatures this week and probably no more rain, this won't last long. I took dozens of photos but these are my favorites. DSC_1967 I usually think of poppies as orange but these are yellow. DSC_1982 DSC_1987

This is another stop. Whenever I see fields of flowers I think of Beecher Crampton, a lecturer at UCDavis who taught a class on Wildflowers of CA. I am annoyed that I can't remember the names of all the flowers I see, but some of them pop into my head when I see the flowers up close.DSC_1999   DSC_2015 Those mounds of white flowers look like this close up. I'm pretty sure this is Meadow Foam (Limnanthes).DSC_2018 What about the yellow ones?


DSC_2020 DSC_2030DSC_2031I think these are Goldfields (Lasthenia) but I'll stand corrected if anyone knows for sure.


DSC_2002When I saw this popcorn flower popped into my head (unintentional pun) but I don't know if that is correct.DSC_2007And what about this one? A Brodiea species?

Even if I don't know the names I can certainly enjoy them and enjoy the California scenery.