Flower or Weed?
/Do readers of this blog and Rusty's blog get tired of photos from Across the Road? I find an endless supply of subjects to photograph, no matter how mundane. When I was walking the other day I noticed the different colors of the morning glories. I Googled morning glory and saw that there were over 1000 species. However this is field bindweed and when you give it that name it becomes a weed.This is growing at the edge of the corn field.
UC Integrated Pest Management Program states "Field bindweed, a perennial broadleaf, is considered one of the most problematic weeds in agricultural fields throughout temperate regions worldwide. It is abundant throughout California ... is troublesome in many crops... It can harbor the viruses that cause potato X disease, tomato spotted wilt, and vaccinium false bottom." Yikes! Nasty plant.
I was intrigued by all the different colors. Speaking of colors, these two birds, also Across the Road, have names with color even though from my photos you wouldn't know it.
Green heron.
White faced ibis. (Thanks to my birder friends who gave me the ID on this one.)