Vacation Interlude - Back to Work

I'm on Day 4 of describing our wonderful vacation to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone last week, but I will insert a post of what I am doing now that I'm back home.IMG_0106 This is the north fence of the pasture. This is AFTER grazing. The sheep don't venture in this far once the combination of dallisgrass and blackberries grow so thick. Access is hampered since there is an irrigation ditch just in front of this mess (the left part of the photo). IMG_0107 There is a fence under there. IMG_0109 This was yesterday morning's achievement. Sheep eating blackberries I dumped the branches in the corral and the sheep were happy to work on defoliation when it was easier.IMG_0130However I'm not happy that the branches  get stuck in their wool.IMG_0129IMG_0128IMG_0114 This morning's task was to finish the  job.IMG_0126    IMG_0132IMG_0111There are plenty of these still on what is left and they will be easier to get to. With my luck though they will all ripen just about the time that I go to Texas for the birth of my granddaughter. By the way, you'd think that I'd come up with another solution to this problem. See this post from just over a year ago. Maybe some strategic fencing to hold some sheep right at that fence line.

Stay tuned for our adventures in Yellowstone!