Woven Goods
/I've been neglecting my blog. All my computer time has been spent at other things--mostly trying to stay caught up with email, working on my website, and trying to organize and edit photos for items listed on the Fibershed Marketplace and on my website (each of which need differently formatted photos). I'm also trying to figure out the best way to keep track of what is listed where and which items go to the Artery. I really don't want to take the chance on selling something on the website and find out that I already sold it at the Artery. The website is up now and, although I haven't listed a lot of products yet, I'm happy with it. I hope you'll explore it a bit. I've worked most at getting some weaving classes scheduled for January-March and in getting handwoven items listed.
Here are some of the items that I have listed. Don't judge my photos. I struggle with trying to get decent product shots.
I didn't list this one because right now I can't find it. That may mean it is at the Artery. Or did I sell it? This is what I mean be trying to keep track. I'm not doing very well with that.
My niece was nice enough to model for me at Thanksgiving.
Photobombing brother.
These are yarns from Lunatic Fringe and all appear in the latest scarf I wove. Hopefully I'll get to that blog before too long.