Fun in the Barn
/In this post Katie and Meryl cleaned out the barn. You get used to how cluttered things are and the forget what the space looks like when its cleaned out. Now while Katie was continuing to work the barn made a great place to watch the kids--especially since that week it was so hot. There was plenty of room to run.
Plenty of room to chase bubbles.
Plenty of room for drawing with chalk. Notice who is just outside the barn door painting. The kids didn't know that and I kept them distracted inside.
Someone else needed entertaining too.
I taught Kirby about hopscotch.
Aunt Meryl came to the barn to play. While all the names of all the other aunts are are pronounced "aunt" like the 6-legged ant, Kirby says Aunt Meryl with the "au" part as in Australia. We have no idea why because no one else says it that way.
I hid balls under the rubber tubs and then Kasen just started pushing them around the barn.