A sheep adventure with 2 friends and a dog

I heard via e-mail that there were a couple of sheep in need of rescue. The owners had lost their property and had moved out of state. They needed someone to pick up the sheep. I don't normally take in unwanted sheep, but these were two that had been purchased from me as lambs and had never been around other sheep or goats. So I rounded up my friends (Chris and Colleen) with the enticement (bribe) that there was another fiber event going on in the area and my dog and we drove to Placerville. The first hard part was finding the place. We had very detailed instructions, but I'm glad that there was someone to read them as I was driving. I knew that Rusty couldn't effectively herd these sheep with a cone on his head so I found a rib band from our collection of arm/foot/shoulder injury paraphernalia and put that around his middle so that the drain tube wouldn't get hung up on a bush.  The sheep gathering itself went surprisingly well (you can read about that on Rusty's blog as he described it fairly well, if you can get over his know-it-all attitude). What Rusty didn't say is that, even with his skill and expertise, we never would have got those sheep in without the extra friends and the panels.

Next stop was the Yarnival, a celebration of the opening of the PluckyFluff workshop at a winery in Placerville. It seems like I usually recognize everyone at out local fiber events, but the PluckyFluff following includes a different group of people. There were vendors, live music, and pizza on the winery grounds. I don't usually take my dog to events like this, but I couldn't leave him in the hot car (the sheep were OK in the back with the shade) so he came along.

The yarns are wild and crazy. I'm not sure how you actually use most of them, but they are certainly fun to look at.

This is a collection of handspun yarns from around the world made into the "world's largest skein".

Here is a detail of that yarn.

There were a few sheep and goats around. Isn't this a beautiful colored Wensleydale? Do you notice the color of the dirt? Dirt in the Placerville area is red. That sure makes for a beautiful sheep, but I'm told that under that red color this sheep is really a brilliant white.

A huge Angora rabbit.

The little girl at the end of the bunny' leash was walking it right towards Rusty. I told Rusty to lie down and cautioned the girl to avoid the dog.

An amusing sign.

Ideas for my husband since we have at least 3 places that need handrails.


Same lesson learned again

Before I start this post I should say that Rusty was not supposed to publish his post to MY blog. He has his own now. I don't know what gibberish he was thinking when he wrote that. It must have been the drugs he was given. MY BLOG POST: What lesson is that? The one about not putting off things that should be done now.This may look like a gate, but it is not. It is a welded wire panel that I open to get in this pen. A gate has hinges and it swings. But enough of that. This panel has to act like a gate in that I need to be able to get into the pen and let my dog into the pen. Here is another view of the panel.

Do you see a problem? If a Border Collie (or a person) goes running through this opening solely focused on sheep he might run into those points. I used to have this covered, but the covering fell off a couple of days ago and I hadn't bothered to find the wire to fix it. This is the result:

It could have been much worse. Several years ago we had an emergency vet visit for a pig that tore open several inches of skin and fat and was supposed to go to the fair the next day. I guess I could have sewn this up myself but I live only 10 minutes from the vet and she happened to be in and I didn't want to be bitten and I don't know what I'm doing. So Rusty had a vet visit. (When he wrote his blog he didn't seem to know what had happened to him. I didn't even know he had been injured until later in the day. He ran right past that fence and worked the sheep like he was supposed to.)

So here is the fix for the fence. (Now you know why you haven't thrown away all the hoses with bad ends.)

Here is the fix for the dog. There are staples and a rubber tubing that acts as a drain. Isn't that one sad puppy? He wants back in the sheep pen.