More from AGM
/Yesterday was a busy day at AGM but I didn't get many photos as I was involved in many of the events.
I did not have room to bring rams to AGM so took a few photos of the ram show. This is Shannon and Joan with their ram lambs. Shannon's ram, who is going to live with Joan, won Champion Ram.
Rams are sometimes challenging to show.
I will have to wait until friends send me photos of the ewe classes. My yearling ewe won Champion ewe. I was also pleased that the ewe lamb I entered in the Best Fleece class almost won that class. The judge looked at my ewe lamb and Shannon's ram lamb, went back and forth between the two, talked about them both, and then gave the award to Shannon (whose ram is truly beautiful). Even though in the real life of livestock production awards don't mean anything (and some of the best producing sheep would never win a ribbon) it's sure fun when you do win!
Workshops were scheduled after the sheep show. I taught a rainbow dye class to about a dozen women.
We enjoyed excellent meals and company and meeting new people and a lot of sheep changed hands. I had a full load on the way back (in fact one more sheep came home with me than I took north) and didn't dawdle on the drive. The temperature hit 100 by the time I was in Redding and didn't go below 90 until I was about 45 minutes from home. (I have A/C, but the sheep do not.) I think this was the fastest trip I've ever made back from the Eugene area. It was about 7 1/2 hours (including my 9 minute nap at the Rogue River rest stop).