Tired of twisting

We're setting up the Artery show on Thursday so instead of weaving all day I twisted fringe all day. I don't particularly like twisting fringe, but I think that most of the things that I weave are best finished with a twisted fringe.

This is a shawl woven with fine bamboo yarn. If I leave the fringe loose it will get hopelessly tangled in use. Also, the bamboo yarn seems to separate into it's plies fairly readily. So twist it is.

When I weave wool blankets I count on fulling them in the finishing process ( agitation in hot soapy water). The threads become somewhat attached to each other and the whole thing becomes a cohesive unit instead of a bunch of intertwined threads. That is not the process that you want for loose fringe. Twist again.

The green and brown blanket has already been washed. This light blanket (inspired by clouds in a painting of the Sierras while the green one represents the forest) has not been washed.

I wove this ruana fabric a few weeks ago but hadn't twisted the fringe. Even though I had woven a lot of items I had hours ahead of fringing. Now I think I have just one shawl left and the scarf that I'll finish tomorrow.