Which hemisphere is this?

I had to think hard today to figure out which season it is. Here is an almond tree losing it's leaves like it is supposed to in the fall. 11-09 tree-w

But look at the redbud:

11-09 redbud-w

Those are flower buds opening. Redbuds lose their leaves in the fall and flower in the spring. I guess the rain followed by the warm weather has tricked the redbud.

More flowers in the yard:

11-09 salvia-w

11-09 narcissus-w

So what else do I do besides take photos all day? We worked on major clean-up today in preparation for Shearing Day on Saturday. I kept weaving scarves. I put up address signs--until the hay truck driver couldn't find our place I didn't realize that the numbers were gone from the mailbox.

11-09 mailbox-w

See my spiffy new numbers?


Something that I didn't do but may have to tomorrow is wash the dog. When i was changing the pasture fence Rusty entertained himself by rolling in donkey manure. He had a great time, but he is pretty smelly right now.

Also on the list for tomorrow...see the desk below? What is missing?


My monitor went from working one night to black the next morning. Right now I have my son's monitor plugged in but I guess I have to go shopping. Not my most fun thing...now if it was shopping for yarn that would be another story.