Sheep Handling and Management
Sheep Handling and Management
Do you want to raise your own fiber sheep but don’t know where to start? Learn about sheep handling including simple veterinary procedures. Class may include discussion of feeding, pasture management, wool management, breeding, lambing, and health issues as well as information about breeds of sheep and wool type. Demonstrations and hands-on experience can include handling sheep, halter breaking, hoof trimming, and more. I have listed far more information than we can cover in three hours but the discussion will be directed to the topics of most interest to the participants.
This class is scheduled during lambing season. About 45 ewes are due to lamb in February so there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss lambing issues and lamb care. There may be a ewe in labor during class but there are no guarantees.
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 9-12
Note: If three hours isn’t enough for you the most comprehensive way of learning about raising sheep is to participate in Farm Club.