Meridian Jacobs

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State Fair - 2019

OK, I’m skipping entirely over a 5 day trip to Ohio to write about State Fair which was a week ago now. Hopefully I’ll get back to the Ohio trip. This is a long post with a lot of photos but I promise you some cute grandkid photos if you stick with it.

Thanks to Farm Club member, Beth, who took this photo before we go to the fair. I never think to take a “before” picture. I had an email the night before our arrival date that the pen configuration was different—and not in a good way. After a few emails I eventually told the Barn Superivsor that if I was given my pens in a set-up with three or four back to-back (6 or 8 total) I wouldn’t even bother with my display. For years I have arranged it to suit a 6-pen line-up and I had been told I’d have the same spot. The amount of effort that we put into staffing this area throughout the fair just wouldn’t be worth it if the display couldn’t be set up to it’s maximum benefit. You have to realize that there is an award at stake here—a prestigious one. It turns out that a new Fire Marshall had required that the floor space be reconfigured but I ended up with an 8-pen run right in the main aisle. That was perfect and it also gave us a bit more airflow which became very important on this record heat weekend.

Usually Farm Club helps me set up this display and it takes us about three hours to finish, but only Beth was here this year. However, my daughter was visiting so she and my husband came and the four of us (plus granddaughter Kirby, age 4, almost 5) put the display together within our normal time frame.

Here are the sheep pens with our eight sheep.

We were given an additional two pens for display space and I can always fill a space.

That gave us plenty of room to spread out and make the display more inviting.

Yearling ewe, Meridian Soprano.

It was a long day for a little girl.

Sitting in front of the fan with ice cream helped.

On Friday some of the Farm Club members came to spin.

Kathleen and Susan rocking out to Benny and the Jets at our favorite mohair farm’s display.

I spent some time working on a weaving idea for an article I’m going to write.

I wove three scarves on the rigid heddle loom while I was there.

Saturday was show day so we got the sheep cleaned up in the morning.

This cyclist rode through the barn several times and this time the spinning wheels caught his eye.

Kirby and family came around 1:00 to wait for the sheep show that afternoon. She practiced some more with her lamb, Belle.

Beth took this photo of Kirby trying out the loom.

We walked around the barn and looked at the longhorn cattle and llamas.

Kirby’s little brother (2) was there too. Katie’s mother-in-law who lives nearby came to help with the kids. This was not the most convenient time to bring little kids to the fair—right at nap time and on a very hot day. It was a challenge—thanks to Sheryle for persevering.

By about 3:00 Kirby was very hot and tired, but she hung in there.

Fortunately Kasen finally fell asleep.

Kirby perked up when it came time to get the sheep ready for the show.

It was all-hands-on-deck to get all the sheep ready.

Kirby amused herself by finding a ticklish spot on this lamb that, when touched, made the lamb wiggle her tail.

Time to go to the show. I don’t have any photos of the actual show. I’d like to brag about my Champion banners and ribbons (Champion Ram, Champion Ewe, Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe) but there were not many competitors…and they were all kids. It kind of makes me feel like a bully. However my friends have reminded me that I was there once too and I’ve worked hard to get my sheep to where they are.

Kirby’s lamb was placed fourth and Kirby was thrilled with a PINK ribbon!

After the show was over we saw a pretty horse to pet,…

…ate ice cream,

…and found a horse to ride. Then it was time for the kids to go home. Fair time isn’t quite as much fun time when it is so hot (105 that day and the high was right about while we were in the show ring).

On Sunday I took the Champion Ram and Ewe to the show ring for the Supreme Champion competition. It is in between those two classes that they announce the award winner of the Marketing competition. We won that as well as Best Program Directed at the General Public. We also won Herdsman and Best Educational Presentation.

Another view of those ribbons.

Here are all the banners and ribbons for 2019.