Meridian Jacobs

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A Spring Morning in the Pasture

I was going to write this post about ewes and their lambs but found a lot more subjects to photograph--not all sheep.954 Lorreta and triplets Loretta and triplets.Ginseng and lambsGinseng and twins. Look at the horn spread on that ram lamb. They all have lilac coloring.15020 headThis is Foxglove's ram lamb, also a lilac.Melinda and 15055Puddleduck Melinda and one of her lambs.11086 Alexandra m Alexandria.851 ElizaEliza.DSC_6065It is balloon season. Rusty is hiding in the barn.DSC_6066 These ewes were waiting for me to change the fence and let them into that tall grass but I was distracted by other things. Do you see the bird on the fence behind them? Don't look too hard for it. See it below.Western KingbirdI looked it up. Western Kingbird. I know my birder friends will tell me if I'm wrong.Western Kingbird (1)I think there is pair nesting nearby. I was mowing the pasture later in the day and they followed the tractor catching bugs. They would zoom off toward the trees and then come back for more. DSC_6083 Balloon getting lower. In the meantime...Hawk with prey...I saw this hawk being harassed by another bird.Hawk with prey (1)I didn't know until I zoomed in on the photo on my computer that the hawk had something in it's talons. Hawk with prey (2) DSC_6085 Balloon has landed and now I can change the fence.DSC_6089 Happy sheep.
