We sheared on Saturday. I used a new shearer this year and he did a fabulous job. He was fast (70 + Jacobs shorn before noon) and the fleeces and the sheep look great.

I am grateful for all the help I had. Linda gathered up and bagged wool all day. Other friends weighed wool, answered questions from visitors, etc.

My son, Chris, made sure that the shearer didn't run out of sheep.

We also sheared Colleen's CVM-cross sheep (while she took care of my shop) and...

Diane's goats. I have to admit they are stunning in full fleece.

These are Chris' goats and don't need to be shorn, but they never miss a chance to sneak some a meal.
I didn't skirt nearly as many fleeces as I thought I would. We just barely kept up with the fleeces that people wanted to purchase. I missed my friend, Joan, who usually spends all day at the skirting table. I think it might be worth switching shearing back to Sunday so she can be here!

Here is one fleece spread out. People asked about how to tell a good fleece, which is better than another, etc. I honestly answered that I don't have any sheep whose fleece I don't like.

The sunny day certainly helped make shearing day pleasant and I'm sure the sheep appreciated the warm sun.

Take a look at this shorn lamb. There was some discussion earlier this year about tri-colored Jacob sheep (if such a thing exists). I didn't know this lamb had those gray spots until she was shorn! I've never had another like this.

Here is another pretty lamb.

This is Violet, loading into her van. That's a cooperative sheep! Violet lived here until about a month ago. She is a wonderful friendly ewe and I'm so glad that she has a great home now with two other Meridian sheep at Aimee's place.

Rusty's brother, Jake, came to visit at the end of the day. The dogs were not too happy about posing for a brotherly photo.

But they were going to make sure these lambs stayed put.
There are more shearing photos that can be accessed on Picassa by going to my website and clicking on the photo in the shearing article.