More ram photos
I am still trying for those ram photos.
This is Granite.
The ram lambs that were born at the end of March are finally getting old enough to evaluate them with a little more confidence. I think it's too hard to tell much about them before 3 months old. Now I can see the width of the horns on the two horn rams. This guy seems to have a nice wide horn spread. I'd prefer that he didn't have white feet.
Here is another with a wide horn spread. If you don't start with a wide horn spread at this age, very often the horns grow too tight near the jaw as the ram gets to be a year or two.
This lamb is turning out very nice and I may keep him. He is the last lamb born this year, the son of Clint and one of last year's ewe lambs. He is a four-horn ram with good horn spacing, nice wool and some leg markings.