Farm Club Comes Through Again
I sent an e-mail Friday to the Farm Club in which I said I was going to vaccinate lambs today and did anyone want to help? Dona and Tina were already planning on being here for a spinning class in the morning so they said that they would stay. Jacki, Shelby, and Allison came too. Wow! What great response with only 24 hours' notice. I bought a new tool. For years I have been vaccinating with single dose syringes. That means that you have to reload the syringe each time you give an injection.
I just never thought about doing it differently, but I was at Higby's Country Feed Store (my favorite store) and saw this syringe. There is a bit of a learning curve (remember to tighten needle, make sure you depress the handle part all the way, don't drop because the barrel is glass--OOPS!), but what a huge difference it will make after I replace the glass part that broke about a third of the way into the job.
I appreciate all the Farm Club members (who are now friends) who show up for projects like this. Shelby manned the camera, as well as caught lambs and played with the loose chicken.
Alison, Jackie, Tina, and Dona all helped catch and mark lambs and...
fill syringes (after the unfortunate incident with the new one).
Shelby took the following portraits.
After vaccinating I let all the sheep out but then needed to catch one more lamb.
So Rusty had a chance to get involved also.
Thanks to all of you for helping. Wait until you hear about the next unscheduled Farm Day. I think it's coming up soon.