Meridian Jacobs

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Phyllis Returns Home

Phyllis is a lilac ewe who was born in 2005. She was sold as a lamb to someone who eventually got rid of her flock. Phyllis came home the first time in 2010 as the owner was on the way to the auction with her sheep. It was a surprise when she lambed in January, 2011 with two black lambs. It seems that she was bred during that last trailer ride. DSC_0232-phyllis-w Look at the size of those lambs at about 5 months old. This is what made me think about getting a ram to raise crossbred lambs for market. That's how Faulkner's story here began.  In 2011 Phyllis went to a nearby farm as a companion to Diamond, an elderly sheep (a Pensioner in Jackie's story about this event). Due to the owner's ill health the sheep needed to go, so Jackie and I picked them up yesterday. Diamond is living at Jackie's and Phyllis came back here. DSC_8119  Phyllis and Diamond in the back of Jackie's van.DSC_8125 Diamond at Jackie's place.DSC_8132She's in the front of the group here and that's Marley going to greet her. DSC_8143 Here we are back at my place.DSC_8145 Phyllis has a very nice fleece. DSC_8159 She is right in the middle there--the one with more fleece.DSC_8162


DSC_8151Welcome home, Phyllis.