Lambtown 2017--Showing Sheep
I wrote a post about teaching and vendoring (a new word?) at Lambtown. Dona send me several photos of our sheep and Farm Club members that I can also share.
Buster had his own pen. The ewes are Cindy and Vanna.
Mary having a conversation with Buster.
Mary and Lisa in the barn.
Sumi, also in the barn. A lot of the Farm Club members were also on the Spinzilla team and were working to increase their yardage spun.
Lisa rode the train back and forth from the barn to the vendor hall.
The sheep show was Sunday afternoon. Yearling rams were up first.
Buster was the only one in his class.
He didn't want to cooperate.
Do I really want to be dancing with a ram.
I think not.
He was better behaved on a halter...
...and especially when tied to the fence after his turn.
This is the rest of the sheep waiting their turns.
Vicki helped with the ram lambs.
We showed against Shetlands in the Primitive Breeds Division.
Doris helped with the yearling ewes.
Everyone was a winner. Thanks!