Hot chick!
This is Goldie, the chicken that likes me. She runs to me and expects to be picked up when I open the chicken house door. She is hot, like the rest of us. The TV news people love it because they get to say "triple digits". Of course they're inside their air conditioned offices.
So what am I doing on these hot days? Plugging away at everything that needs to get done. We're mainly working on getting the shop put back together. No photos until it is done! I'm taping and painting and putting down floor. Dan is building a deck, doing electrical work, etc. I have a spinning class this weekend so I have to be able to get in the door!
I've been sorting sheep again. State Fair entries are due this week so I needed to figure out who to show. I have a lot of lambs from which to choose. I sorted the lambs into groups based on sire so that I could choose 4 lambs with the same sire for one of the group classes. These are Houdini's 2-horn ram lambs...
...and these are his 4-horn ram lambs.
These photos are in the dark because it was night before I got to this task. Hard to evaluate fleece in the dark. So I looked again in the morning.
You can barely see Rusty behind the rams. They are so dog-broke now that I can work with them in the field.
They are going into one of the pastures that was so swamped with tall grass last year. We burned it in the spring. Look at the trefoil growing in what was a 4-foot tall sward of grass.
Here is a close-up. This is one of my favorite flowers--bright and pretty and good forage for sheep.
Some parts of the pasture are starting to get overrun with that Dallisgrass again. I'm hoping that the ewes can make a dent in it if I keep them out there longer. I've been letting them in the barn during the hot part of the day. If I don't make them go back out they'll bed down in the barn at night, but they will have more of an effect on the pasture (bedding down, manure deposited, etc) if they are out all night. So I've been moving them out at dusk.
Do you see that big round one--third up from the right? That's Madeline. She is pregnant and due to lamb at State Fair just before Labor Day.
I can't believe I sheared in November and I still haven't processed wool. I sold a lot of it, but I have some to process. Wait until you see the new products I'm going to have! (I'm not telling right now.) Three bags full:
These guys are waiting for something fun to happen. They are ready for the girls, but we'll wait a few months.
That's Rubicon on the left and Moonshine on the right.
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